How to Write a Letter to the Editor in Support of April for Judge

Show your support with a letter to your favorite print or online publication. Here's how!

What should I write about?

Here are some simple prompts:

  • Make it personal. Tell a story, or share an observation. Let people know what you know about April that has earned your vote.

  • Talk about what you expect from a judge, and how April embodies that.

  • Share your hopes for the future of our courts, and how April’s vision will make it happen.

What guidelines should I follow?

  • Letters must be signed with the writer's full name and city of residence. For author verification publishers require — but don't publish — the writer's mailing address and daytime and evening phone numbers.

  • Try not to exceed exceed 250 words.

  • Send your letter in the body of your e-mail, not as an attachment.

Where do I send my letter?

Mad River Union
Deadline for submissions of opinions and letters is Fridays at noon.
